Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Time To Eat Crow...I Guess The Feds Can Do 4.5%!!

OK, so everyone is wrong on occasion and I'm no exception. We are now seeing rates below 5%. While a 4.5% 30 year fixed rate has yet to materialize, I have locked clients at 4.5% 15 year and 4.75% 20 year mortgages. If you are on my client list, you will be receiving a notice next week regarding our Financial Stimulus Package (FSP) Refinance. For those who are eligilble this is truly an unprecedented opportunity to cut your interest expense by THOUSANDS - litterally!

My average client will save over $50,000 with this program WITHOUT increasing the current monthly payment.

Next week we will also receive the details behind the new Administration's Home Owner Stability & Affordability Plan. This is of particular interest to many of you because it contains provisions over refinancing your existing loan when your home doesn't appraise.

I will be sure to post the details as soon as I have the information in hand.

In the meantime, I am receiving a lot of questions regarding whether you should refinance now or wait for rates to drop further. To answer that question I am publishing a short video to describe the events that are currently taking place and why I recommend taking advantage of the current low rates as soon as possible.