Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mortgage Rates At 2.99%?!?!

The recent drop in rates over the last 30 days has presented multiple opportunities. Home buyers are able to take advantage of significant discounts in home prices, coupled with extremely low payments, to make housing more affordable than ever.

I have also been advising current clients that this is a perfect opportunity to utilize low mortgage rates to cut the term on their existing mortgages --- many of my clients are taking advantage of this and moving to 15 and even 10 year mortgages.

For clients who are being VERY aggressive with the pay-off of their mortgage, we are now offering 5 year fixed rate mortgages below 3%!!!!! Absolutely unbelieveable!!!

To see the effects of selecting a short term mortgage vs. a 30 year mortgage, call or e-mail me, and I can provide you with a detailed schedule showing you the incredible interest savings and how this can help you build wealth by freeing up cash flow after your pay-off, assist in accelerating retirement savings, funding education accounts or to simply live without STRESS being debt free!!