Friday, February 22, 2008

Not Since The Great Depression...

That is what I woke up to this morning!! The headline on the radio says, "Not since the Great Depression have so many homeowners had negative equity in their homes."

That's just great - thank you NPR for making us so very aware of that kind of garbage and using sensationalism in your reporting to exacerbate more doom and gloom.

That kind of stuff just frys me!!!

Anyways, as I have always done, I will try to bring you FACTUAL information so that you can make informed decisions without the garbage used by the media to increase circulation or ratings.

Rates have gone up to the mid 6 range after almost 5 weeks at or under 6. The sudden run up this week was caused due to further speculation that inflation is present in our economy and that a loose monetary policy by the feds will fuel even more future inflation.

As of yesterday, we did see some relief and I would expect to see rates stay at the low end of the 6 range next week.

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